Colorado's population is increasing, and so is our impact on what wilderness remains. At the same time, the agencies we have relied upon to manage our impact are often short of funds and staff to do what needs to be done.
Volunteerism is on the rise in the country, especially in Colorado.
Any wilderness lover with some spare time should consider volunteering for one of the many organizations that promote proper stewardship of the outdoors. The CMC is one of them. Volunteering feels good and helps people. People who volunteer for CMC projects meet friends and help the wild lands last a longer.
Volunteer opportunities abound in the CMC. Volunteers carry out every function of the Boulder Group. If you love the mountains and want to give something back, if you want to meet new friends and kindred spirits, please consider volunteering for one of the many, diverse activities of the Boulder Group.
Current Opportunities
Either look for contact info below or call the CMC Boulder Voicemail: (720) 464-6673 anytime to leave a message.
Instructors & Assistant Instructors
The Boulder Group is looking for experienced instructors for rock climbing, map & compass, backpacking and other schools. Want to become an instructor? Become an assistant and move up to become a lead instructor.
Newsletter Writer
The Colorado Mountain Club Boulder Group is looking for a Newsletter Writer
The newsletter writer will be responsible for compiling content from council members, trip leaders and instructors. The CMC will provide content, templates and electronic platform platform for distribution via email and FaceBook. Candidates should excellent writing and editing skill. The selected candidate will receive a annual CMC Membership with all benefits. Email Marketing
Volunteer at Cabins
Send email to Cabins if you would to help with the cabins.
Website Assistant Webmaster
If you have Squarespace and web skills and would like to be part of the Web Team for the Boulder Group email Webmaster
Conservation Needs in the Community
The Boulder Climbing Community sponsors many conservation projects helping protect local climbing areas; see more information at boulderclimbers.org
The Wildlands Restoration Volunteers have many conservation projects around Colorado, and need volunteers every season; see more information at wlrv.org