Boulder Group Cabins
Brainard Cabin
Layout: Ground floor - kitchen with wood burning cookstove & three propane burners, living room with wood stove, dining room, anteroom, small deck, separate outhouseSleeps: 12 upstairs (four in room with door, eight in communal floor area) 2 inch foam pads & some blankets provided
Location: West of Ward, in the Brainard Lake Recreation Area
Map: USGS Ward, CO Quadrangle or Topos viewable online
Trail difficulty (Winter): 3.0 miles + 600 feet up, from Brainard Lake Recreation Area Gateway Trailhead parking just before the fee station & road closure
Årestua Hut
Layout: Single room communal space, one central potbelly woodstove,
LED lights from a small photovoltaic system, separate outhouse
Sleeps: 7 (two in open loft, five on benches) 2 inch foam pads provided
Location: 11,080 feet, south of Eldora Ski Resort, West of Hessie Trailhead and Lost Lake
Map: USGS East Portal, CO Quadrangle or Topos viewable online
Trail difficulty (Jenny Creek/Guinn Mountain route): 4.5 miles, + 2,000 feet elevation gain
CMC Boulder Group Cabins
The Boulder Group of the Colorado Mountain Club owns two cabins in the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest. The cabins are operated in accordance with the terms of a Special Use Permit issued by the US Forest Service.

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