About the Colorado Mountain Club Boulder Group

The Colorado Mountain Club Boulder Group is based in Boulder, Colorado and leads trips throughout Colorado and across the globe.

We offer numerous programs, lectures and events every month.

Our members benefit from close proximity to the Flatirons, Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks, Brainard Lake Recreation Area and many amenities unique to Boulder, to enjoy a huge variety of hiking, backpacking, climbing and skiing activities throughout the entire year in addition to local social outings.  Boulder outings run the gamut from leisurely slow-paced flower photography hikes and conservation projects to challenging high mountain summit climbs.  We are friendly and we like to have fun!

For all level mountaineers, Boulder provides frequent local hiking series such as Rise & Grind (an early morning hike & coffee club), High Peaks Hooky (weekday hikes to local peaks), Hiker's Happy Hour, Scrambling, Backpacking, and other outings. 

We also offer courses in Scrambling, Trad Climbing, etc. and are increasing our collaboration with Denver's schools. Please let us know if you are interested in taking or helping revive the below:

  • Boulder Hiking School for people new to the Colorado mountains

  • Boulder Mountaineering School (established in 1947) for members interested developing more technical mountaineering skills

  • Advanced Mountaineering School for those who think they might like to tackle full-scale mountaineering expeditions

Our bylaws define how our group is organized.

Activity Schedules

As soon as you have joined the Club, you will have access to member privileges on the state website, cmc.org. This website lists all the hikes, climbs, bicycle trips, ski tours, and other trips sponsored by the various CMC groups throughout the State. As a member of the statewide organization, you are welcome on all trips, regardless of which group sponsors them. Our leaders are volunteers, so there is no charge, except minimal carpooling fees, for going on trips.

Publications Received by Members

All CMC members receive the Rucksack newsletter by email every month.

To be added to the distribution list for the Boulder specific monthly newsletter, please email office@cmcboulder.org

Boulder Group Council

Jason Kintzel

Vice Chair

Sean Allison
Mountaineering School Director

Mike McGurkin & Christopher Murphy
Outings Co-Chairs

Sam Wasserman
Membership & Marketing Committee Chair

State Council Representative

Russell Cass
Member At Large

Jill Yarger
Member At Large

Eve Mills

Christopher Murphy

Jeremy Boydston
Safety Committee Chair

Pat Kelly
Conservation Committee Chair

Mindy Nichols
Community Outreach & Partnership Committee Chair

Jason Kintzel
Cabins Committee Chair

Ben White
Member At Large

Member At Large